Title I - Parent Information

Parent Involvement Information
Parent Liaison Contacts
Hatchery Hill School
Willow Grove School
Hackettstown Middle School
Name: Jessica Thompson
Name: Christine Strelec
Title I is a component of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965. This Act was part of President Lyndon Johnson's War on Poverty. Its purpose is to help students who are at a disadvantage reach high standards and provide them with instructional support. This Act has been re-authorized over the years. The most recent reauthorization was in 2001. President Bush re-authorized it as the No Child Left Behind Act or NCLB. In the Hackettstown Public School District our Title I funds provide help for our students through the Academic Support Program.
Hackettstown Public Schools offers students who are academically at risk the opportunity to participate in extended day programs. These programs are funded through Federal grants provided under ESSA. In addition this grant offers specific targeted resources to students who are academically at risk. Our schools are currently working on updating their individual Title I web-pages to reflect the programs and services that will be available during the 2012019 school year.
(Please click on the link below to access)
The Hackettstown Middle School, Hatchery Hill School and Willow Grove School have developed parent compacts and policies specific to their needs.
Right to Know
Board Policy- Parental Involvement 2415.04