Project Child Find

The Hackettstown School District has organized a Child Find campaign to locate and provide services for children who may have a learning, physical, mental, language and/or emotional disability and who are between three to twenty-one years old.

In order to identify preschool children whose serious problems may lead to difficulties in school, the Hackettstown School District will assess any children 3-5 years of age and who are suspected to have a disability.  This assessment is free, and all information will be kept confidential.  The district may be of help if parents think their child exhibits one or more of the following signs:  difficulty seeing or hearing, difficulty walking, running or manipulating small objects, serious health problems or documented birth handicaps, delays in acquiring language, significant speech problems, excessive immaturity or anxiety, significant difficulties paying attention or listening. 

At risk preschoolers or school age children will be eligible to participate in specialized program(s) sponsored by the Hackettstown School District. 


Parents who have concerns may call the Director of Special Services at 908-852-2800. 

For Public Posting
Child Find of Warren County, NJ
By clicking the link below you will be provided with a list of county CST offices and phone numbers, as well as Child Care/Day Care Centers, Preschools, Kindergartens and Private Schools throughout Warren County.